Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Made in the U.S.A. - Buy a Home, Create Jobs!

When you purchase a home of your own, you empower yourself and so many others.

You're investing in one of the last handmade American products.

You are creating jobs for Furniture Movers, Moving Van Companies, Realtors, Their Assistants, The Escrow Company Employees, Title Company Employees, Your Loan Officer, The Mortgage Company Employees, Your Personal Bankers, Your Mail Carrier, Termite Companies, Home Inspectors, Misc. Building Contractors, The Appraiser, Possibly a Gardener or Pool Service, City Utility Workers-like Water and Electricity, Home Owner Association Employees, Trash Service... the list goes on....

Most of the above started out as small businesses or from people who work from home.

There is a trickle down effect that creates jobs for many people. So take pride in your purchase!! And, remember to fill your home with appliances, furniture, clothing, CARS and toys... MADE IN AMERICA!

"Making HOMEOWNERSHIP Simple!"

Barbara Ann Paul Wibe, e-PRO REALTOR
Cell: 619.850.4174 e-Fax: 619.512.5156

Coldwell Banker Nautilus Real Estate
7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Suite 218
San Diego Ca 92111 Lic. #01742839

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