Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Police Consider Baiting Houses

Police in St. Louis are contemplating what they are calling “bait” houses – gussying up empty homes with steal-able stuff like flat-screen TVs and new computers in order to woo crooks to the scene.

The bait will all be wired, so when the thieves make off with it, the cops will be right behind. Hidden cameras will confirm that they got the bad guys.

The police say the program has other advantages as well. "I hope that for every person that we arrest out of a bait house, there's another 20 who don't decide to break into a house because they think it might be a bait house," police department spokesman Rick Eckhard says.

Source:, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (09/10/2009)

"Making Real Estate Simple!"

Barbara Ann Wibe, e-PRO, REALTOR
Cell: 619.850.4174 e-Fax: 619.512.5156

Coldwell Banker Nautilus
9535 Mission Gorge Rd #E
Santee, Ca 92071

D.C. Dances Around Tax Credit Extension

Washington is being forced to take a hard look at the expiring $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit.

Nearly a dozen bills have been proposed to extend the credit past the Nov. 30 deadline, but the top decision makers are just beginning to weigh in.

On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid endorsed a six-month extension. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Thursday that he hasn’t made a decision yet. And the White House economic team says it will make a recommendation to President Barack Obama by the end of Friday.

Extending the credit is a tough sell in some corners because so far the credit has cost an estimated $15 billion, twice what was projected last February.

Source:, The Associated Press, Adrian Sainz (09/17/2009)

"Making Real Estate Simple!"

Barbara Ann Wibe, e-PRO, REALTOR
Cell: 619.850.4174 e-Fax: 619.512.5156

Coldwell Banker Nautilus
9535 Mission Gorge Rd #E
Santee, Ca 92071

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home Buyer Tax Credit Countdown Begins

Home Buyer Tax Credit Countdown Begins
The first-time home buyers tax credit ends Nov. 30. Is it possible to buy in the next two weeks and still close in time to collect it?

Some professionals say yes. “It still can be done in six weeks," says RE/MAX Town & Country associate Lynn Ayers in West Chester, Pa.

Economist Kevin Gillen of Econsult predicts a mad rush to close as the deadline nears.

Bruce Hahn, president of the American Homeowners Grassroots Alliance in Arlington, Va., is pushing for an extension and an expansion of the credit.

Legislation to do that is critical, he says, because the recovery has so far been mostly jobless and people need more time to get their feet on the ground in order to buy.

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, Alan J. Heavens (08/31/2009)

**This article summary was corrected on Sept. 4, 2009. The original summary contained the wrong time period for the first-time home buyer tax credit deadline as well as mistakenly identified a quoted source. We regret this error. You can view the original article by the Philadelphia Inquirer online.

"Making Real Estate Simple!"

Barbara Ann Wibe, e-PRO, REALTOR
Cell: 619.850.4174 e-Fax: 619.512.5156

Coldwell Banker Nautilus
9535 Mission Gorge Rd #E
Santee, Ca 92071